One to One Media Q&A

If you are a marketer it is entirely possible that you have got to your current role without having gained a detailed understanding of how media agencies work. You may not have worked closely with a media agency until now or you may have worked with agencies who don’t explain things well. As result you may have a long list of questions about media planning, buying and evaluation.

You may have had the unsettling experience of not being able to ask a question because you cant be sure you have phrased it correctly.

I offer one-to-one “coffee morning” mentoring sessions which provide the opportunity to significantly increase your knowledge of how media agencies work and build your confidence to deal with media issues.

These Q&A sessions can be open discussions about media or they can be structured around a set of questions you may have. Examples of topics include:

  1. What is station price?
  2. What is good and bad TV pricing?
  3. What is a TVR?
  4. What is the difference between circulation and readership?
  5. What is am impact?
  6. How do we calculate reach and frequency?
  7. Do I have the right type of media contract?
  8. Am I paying my media agency too much or too little?

We can work through these questions on a one to one basis, at a pace that suits you.

Cost of a half day session: £750+VAT

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