How to Evaluate Media Advertising Campaigns

This course will show you how to evaluate media advertising campaigns across all channels. It includes TV, print, radio, outdoor, online search, social and display.  Most importantly, it will show you how to form a holistic view of your media performance and establish true ROI as opposed to inaccurate last click reporting. This course covers everything from increasing awareness and consideration to linear channel reporting and time series (econometric) modelling. Most importantly it will give you the techniques required to understand how your investments are really working beyond the last click.

Course Structure

  • Theory and Principles
  • Worked examples
  • Case studies
  • Discussion / Q&A
  • Workshop Exercise (Applied Learning)
    • Brief
    • Teamwork
    • Presentation
    • Team Discussion
    • Scoring (optional)
  • Wash-Up
  • Course evaluation

Costs and timing

  • Course duration: 1 day, 9.30am – 5.00pm
  • Cost: £250 per delegate
  • 10 or more delegates £200 per delegate
  • Min 5 delegates (£1,250),
  • Max 20 delegates (£4,000)
  • Costs exclude VAT and any third party room hire / refreshments

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