Marketing incrementality is sales revenue that is over and above that which might be expected with no marketing activity.
Establishing incrementality is critical if you want genuine brand growth. Why? Because many performance platforms collect, report and even double-count sales from multiple sources, including those which might happen even if you didn’t run any activity. This means you are attributing to media spend sales that would have happened without media spend. This type of misattribution will mean you are using flawed data for budget optimisation and this in turn will lead to sub-optimal media performance. Misattribution makes your budget less efficient and less effective.
In order to detect incrementality we need to establish what would happen if your product or service didn’t have any marketing activity. There are three things – sometimes called “components” to look at here:
- Trend – what is the underlying trend in your category an din your sales – are sales they in growth, decline or stable?
- Seasonal cycles – What are the repeating patterns in the data – do sales increase or decrease in certain months, certain weeks on a regular predictable pattern?
- Base brand equity – how many sales would you expect to see if you paused your marketing activity
These components can often account for more than 75% of your sales revenue. If your performance platforms are reporting 100 sales, it could be the case that 75 of these sales would have happened without any marketing activity. For many advertisers this is an “OMG” moment.
Imagine if you could identify the sales that would have happened without marketing or media support and then focus your marketing budget on activities that deliver genuine incremental growth rather than paying a platform “tax” for sales that were going to progress through your sales pipeline without any short-term marketing spend.
Let’s take a closer look at trend and seasonality and why it’s important. We’re going to use the “Bike Sales” dataset from Kaggle.
First let’s look at the sales data itself:
Here we can see bike sales from July 2017 to July 2022 over a total of 260 weeks. We can make some initial observations. There is an underlying growth trend. We can also see that there are a number of peaks and troughs in the data. We see that the highest sales weeks are around 110k and the lowest sales weeks are around -30k so the weekly sales have a range of c. 140k.
Now let’s extract the trend component from the dataset:
We can see the underlying trend in the data, quantified using a moving average. We can see there is a strong upward trend from 50k sales to almost 85k sales.
Next, let’s extract the seasonality component from the data set:
It’s important to note here that “seasonality” doesn’t mean “seasons” as in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Here seasonality refers to any repeating cycles in the data. We can see there is clear pattern of repeating cycles. These repeating cycles range from +10k to -20k.
And finally we are left with the Random component:
The Random component represents sales that are not explained by trend and seasonality. You can see that these random sales i.e. not explained by trend or seasonality, range from about +35k to -30k.
This random data is the data we test for contributions from media spend. More on that model and its outputs in the next post.