Marketing incrementality is sales revenue that is over and above that which might be expected with no marketing activity. Establishing incrementality is critical if you want genuine brand growth. Why? Because many performance platforms collect, report and even double-count sales from multiple sources, including those which might happen even if you didn’t run any activity. … Read More
What is Marketing Mix Modelling?
Marketing Mix Modelling or MMM is a regression-based approach to identifying the drivers of sales for a business or brand – making it a form of attribution. For many advertisers it is used to understand and optimise the effects of paid media in generating sales outcomes. Unlike many other forms of attribution, MMM aims to … Read More
Adstock and Diminishing Returns: non-linear advertising effects
Adstock is an important concept in marketing effectiveness. It was first quantified by Simon Broadbent in the 1970s. Its value lies in helping make marketing and media mix models more accurate by recognising that advertising and media investments have non-linear “carryover” response effects. These non-linear effects are normally grouped into two areas: the delayed effect … Read More
What is full funnel attribution in marketing?
Imagine this situation. You work in a large organisation as a digital marketing manager. You observe a sharp increase in GA direct, organic and brand generic web traffic. You want to explain the uptick but there’s nothing in your digital data that can explain it. However, you do know that your brand launched a TV/AV … Read More