What is Marketing Mix Modelling?

November 20, 2021By Simon FosterMedia Evaluation, Media Planning, MMM

Marketing Mix Modelling or MMM is a regression-based approach to identifying the drivers of sales for a business or brand – making it a form of attribution.  For many advertisers it is used to understand and optimise the effects of paid media in generating sales outcomes.  Unlike many other forms of attribution, MMM aims to … Read More

Adstock and Diminishing Returns: non-linear advertising effects

June 7, 2020By Simon FosterMarketing Effectiveness, Marketing Training, Media Planning, MMM

Adstock is an important concept in marketing effectiveness. It was first quantified by Simon Broadbent in the 1970s. Its value lies in helping make marketing and media mix models more accurate by recognising that advertising and media investments have non-linear “carryover” response effects. These non-linear effects are normally grouped into two areas: the delayed effect … Read More

How is brand advertising different to direct response advertising?

June 19, 2018By Simon FosterAdvertising Evaluation, Direct Marketing Training, DRTV Training, Media Evaluation, Media Planning, TV Media Planning Training No Comments

Brand advertising techniques are very different to direct response advertising techniques.  Even when you are running an integrated multi-channel campaign it is important to understand the key differences between the two approaches so that you can orchestrate your overall campaign plan and budget to deliver maximum ROI. To illustrate some of the key differences here … Read More

TV Media Planning Terms – calculating media reach and frequency using TVRs

April 22, 2018By Simon FosterMedia Buying, Media Planning, TV Media Planning Training No Comments

When media planners develop TV campaign plans they are often optimising the relationship between three sets of numbers: TVRs (or GRPs, or TRPs) – TVRs or TV rating points are a way of sizing target audiences across both demographics and geography. 1 TVR is 1% of a target audience universe as defined by both demographic and … Read More

Understanding brand awareness, consideration and preference

February 13, 2018By Simon FosterAdvertising Evaluation, Marketing Training, Media Planning No Comments

Brand awareness is vitally important in the marketing process. As consumers need to be aware of a product and brand to purchase it, then the more consumers who are aware, the more purchases take place. This hierarchical approach, begins with awareness and moves through consideration and preference to purchase. This hierarchical path is sometimes called … Read More

Advertising Response Rates by Channel

February 15, 2017By Simon FosterAdvertising Evaluation, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing Training, Media Planning No Comments

Understanding response rates by media channel is a vital component of marketing and media planning. If you know the response rates, media costs and likely conversion rates of each channel you are using, you can forecast the ROI of your planned activity – before you spend any budget. This helps to de-risk your marketing activity … Read More

What is a TVR?

February 5, 2014By Simon FosterMedia Buying, Media Planning, TV Media Planning Training

This is a question that many marketers don’t want to ask, especially when they are halfway through the agency’s TV presentation. The trouble is, the agency team have been talking about TVRs for about 20 minutes, the coffee’s gone cold and you daren’t chip in to ask “exactly what is a TVR?” Put very simply … Read More

What is programmatic advertising?

March 23, 2013By Simon FosterDigital Media, Media Buying, Media Planning

If you are an advertiser you may have heard the expressions “programmatic buying”, “real time bidding” and “ad exchanges”. You may be wondering what all this is and what it means for advertisers, if you are then read on… “Programmatic” advertising, is effectively automated online media buying – often at large scale and at very … Read More