Adstock and Diminishing Returns: non-linear advertising effects

June 7, 2020By Simon FosterMarketing Effectiveness, Marketing Training, Media Planning, MMM

Adstock is an important concept in marketing effectiveness. It was first quantified by Simon Broadbent in the 1970s. Its value lies in helping make marketing and media mix models more accurate by recognising that advertising and media investments have non-linear “carryover” response effects. These non-linear effects are normally grouped into two areas: the delayed effect … Read More

What is full funnel attribution in marketing?

March 21, 2020By Simon FosterMarketing Training

Imagine this situation. You work in a large organisation as a digital marketing manager. You observe a sharp increase in GA direct, organic and brand generic web traffic. You want to explain the uptick but there’s nothing in your digital data that can explain it. However, you do know that your brand launched a TV/AV … Read More

What is RFV analysis?

October 16, 2019By Simon FosterMarketing Training

RFV stands for Recency, Frequency, Value. It’s a technique database analysts use to segment their customer data by plotting customers into a three dimensional space using three metrics: Recency – a measure of how recently a customer last purchased. Frequency – how often they purchase within a given time period. Value – the amount they … Read More