Six pioneers of marketing effectiveness past and present

March 1, 2022By Simon FosterAdvertising Evaluation, General, Marketing Effectiveness, Media Evaluation

I recently wrote this piece for an m/SIX newsletter – it summarises the contribution of six people to the development of marketing effectiveness. SIX pioneers of marketing effectiveness past and present 1. Claude Hopkins, the copywriter who earned $2.7m per year selling Bissell vacuum cleaners We all talk about market effectiveness and marketing science, but … Read More

What is Marketing Mix Modelling?

November 20, 2021By Simon FosterMedia Evaluation, Media Planning, MMM

Marketing Mix Modelling or MMM is a regression-based approach to identifying the drivers of sales for a business or brand – making it a form of attribution.  For many advertisers it is used to understand and optimise the effects of paid media in generating sales outcomes.  Unlike many other forms of attribution, MMM aims to … Read More